Friday, January 11, 2013

Lincoln is alive and working at a bank in Arkansas

Second to last job of the year - A quick drive to Jonesboro Arkansas for a bank commercial.  In December I thankfully find myself packed with work, so I never got a chance to go over the creative with anyone.  I was going into this job blind.  After a quick bite at the local Waffle House I headed over to the location early.  I like to unload most of the gear before the cinematographer shows up.  Looking around it appeared I was the first one there, until a man got out of a parked rental car in front of me.  He was really tall, had a long dark beard and was skinny as a rail.  I thought to myself, "This guy is trying awfully hard to look like Lincoln."  This was right around the time spielberg's movie was coming out in theaters.  Turns out, he was an actor for the spot (playing Lincoln).  We were doing a series of three commercials over a two day shoot.  All the spots were pretty funny actually and I had several laughs on set.  The last day, as I was packing up the truck a huge rain storm rolled in from the west promising tornados.  It was a slow ride home on the interstate ;-)

When it's just me and the truck I usually keep my lighting arsenal small and efficient - 1.2HMI, 400w Joker, and a matching pair of 4ft and 2ft kinos.  Anything more than that and I need a second guy.  I bought an IceLight from Westcott and I've been very surprised by its performance and rendering of color (CRI). It always come in handy in a pinch.


  1. Hi Jordan,

    Very informative and detailed post. Great reading from prospective of a gaffer. Really enjoyed reading it. Interesting to see you are using the IceLight. In what ways have you been applying it the most? Really curious, thanks!


  2. Hey Kyle
    Hows SF going? I like what you've been posting on facebook.

    The IceLight is completely useless during the day, but perfect for night work in cars, away from power or just to add a little more fill/eye light.
