Friday, January 11, 2013

Product spot for Van de Kamp's fish fillets

Last job of 2012.  Most of the production staff and higher ups flew in from New York the day before - the rest of us were local.  I love Memphis filming.  Over the years we've all grown to know and work with each other to a point that it has become symbiotic.  Set dec, camera, wardrobe, make-up, lighting all working together as one, with minimal confusion.  I always wonder if it is strange for out of towners to come into a group so close-knit.  This commercial spot afforded me the luxury of a pre-light day - something that is quite rare these days.  The 2nd AC has all but become an endangered species anywhere outside the production triangle (LA, NY, NOLA).  Hopefully my job title won't be added to that list anytime soon but eventually.... That day will come.

The DP and I hit it off pretty quickly.  Neither of us wanted to goal post the room and we both felt it wasn't necessary.  No need to do something just because it looks cool.  We blacked out the windows and went with a tungsten look (a couple of 650s to pop out the cabinets, a nice big soft key source and a duvey teaser over head to cut the spill off the background).

The next day we found out that the creatives wanted daylight but they were so happy with the look that they rolled with it.  Another rarity in the commercial world (especially when dealing with product placements).  I brought my cell phone charger for the day of the shoot.  You always drain your battery on shoot days with a pre-light the day before.  It really becomes a game of mastering boredom; however, there were some important tweaks to be made in-between products.

Unfortunate note:
After backing the grip truck down the very narrow driveway the pass van carrying the higher-ups followed suit.  As I was pulling away the pass van driver managed to back the vehicle into the homeowners brick mailbox, knocking it to the ground like a pile of laundry.  I'm sure he got a tongue lashing but at the end of the day I guess you could call him a job creator (someone has to repair the thing).

So long 2012 hello 2013.  I'm flying to Austria in a week to spend Christmas and new years with my girlfriend.  See ya in the new year :-)

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