Monday, July 8, 2013

Lake Bosumtwi in Kumasi Ghana

Earlier this year a producer/director turned really good friend of mine Kenny Jackson (in the photo above) called and asked me if I wanted to go with him to Ghana Africa for two weeks as a camera operator for his company Anthem Pictures.  I said yes before he had a chance to finish the sentence.  He had already hooked me into the story over a year ago when he told me about it while driving to Nashville for a commercial spot.

Here is a small part of the work in progress "Drawn From the Water"

A month later I found myself on a plane in Little Rock Arkansa headed to Accra Ghana.

We were there to tell several stories rolled up into one.  I can't possibly do any of them justice in this blog so I will leave it to the final product and the organizations that surround the families and children involved ( ( (

I didn't want to leave and can't wait to go back.  The people we documented built something that will have a lasting impact on Ghana and its children.

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